quinta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2011
terça-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2011
Tao Te Ching- LAO TSE
The tao that can be told
is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named
is not the eternal Name.
The unnamable is the eternally real.
Naming is the origin
of all particular things.
Free from desire, you realize the mystery.
Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.
Yet mystery and manifestations
arise from the same source.
This source is called darkness.
Darkness within darkness.
The gateway to all understanding.
O tao que pode ser contada
não é o Tao eterno
O nome que pode ser nomeado
não é o Nome eterno.
O inominável é o eternamente real.
Nomear é a origem
de todas as coisas em particular.
Livre do desejo, você percebe o mistério.
Capturados no desejo, você vê apenas as manifestações.
No entanto, mistério e manifestações
surgem da mesma fonte.
Esta fonte é chamada de escuridão.
Escuridão dentro da escuridão.
A porta de entrada para todo o entendimento
não é o Tao eterno
O nome que pode ser nomeado
não é o Nome eterno.
O inominável é o eternamente real.
Nomear é a origem
de todas as coisas em particular.
Livre do desejo, você percebe o mistério.
Capturados no desejo, você vê apenas as manifestações.
No entanto, mistério e manifestações
surgem da mesma fonte.
Esta fonte é chamada de escuridão.
Escuridão dentro da escuridão.
A porta de entrada para todo o entendimento
El Tao que puede ser contada
no es el Tao eterno
El nombre que puede ser nombrado
No es el nombre eterno.
El innombrable es el eternamente real.
Nombrar es el origen
de todas las cosas en particular.
Libre del deseo, te das cuenta del misterio.
Atrapados en el deseo, sólo se ven las manifestaciones.
Sin embargo, el misterio y las manifestaciones
surgen de la misma fuente.
Esta fuente es llamada oscuridad.
La oscuridad en la oscuridad.
La puerta de entrada a todo entendimiento.
no es el Tao eterno
El nombre que puede ser nombrado
No es el nombre eterno.
El innombrable es el eternamente real.
Nombrar es el origen
de todas las cosas en particular.
Libre del deseo, te das cuenta del misterio.
Atrapados en el deseo, sólo se ven las manifestaciones.
Sin embargo, el misterio y las manifestaciones
surgen de la misma fuente.
Esta fuente es llamada oscuridad.
La oscuridad en la oscuridad.
La puerta de entrada a todo entendimiento.
segunda-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2011
quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2011
quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2011
terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2011
Esse é um poema escrito por nosso colega Vitor Buaiz:
Abundância Celestial
Abundância Celestial
Da Janela do Céu(SJ1), com todo o Respeito
celestial(ID 11), foi possível observar no Vale do encontro(IG4) um Córrego
subterrâneo (B38 ) que seguia por
Terreno tortuoso e acidentado(B4). Na direção do Manancial do paraíso(SJ 10) encontrava-se
uma Touceira de bambu reunido(B2) .
Ao mesmo tempo, da Janela celestial (ID 1) ouvia-se
também o Som do suspiro(B45 ) atingindo
o Paraíso(B7) e, ao atravessar a Porta dos fluidos(SJ2 ) sentia-se um Aroma bem-vindo(IG 20) da
Lagoa tortuosa(IG 11). Era um convite a se refrescar com a Água profunda (SJ
11) dos Quatro rios (SJ9) em direção ao
Grande Ribeirão (R3 ) que inundou o Vale
profundo(E43 ) de Plenitude e abundância (E40 ).
Seguindo o Caminho da consciência(C4) , o Coelho
escondido(E 32 ) por trás do Montículo
de ouro (BP5) atravessou o Vale do canal (P8 ) pela Grande abertura(P6 ) à procura do Eixo da Terra (BP8).
Logo adiante abria-se a Porta dourada (B3) do Palácio
dos ventos (Du 1), Recebendo as lágrimas
(E 1) da Estrela superior (Du 23) sob a forma de chuva que escorria pelo Pilar
do paraíso (E 25 ) de Localização
celeste (VB 39).
Todo este espetáculo cósmico foi gerado na Mente
essencial (V B13) da Plataforma do espírito (Du 10), iluminada pela Clareza
brilhante (VB 37) dos raios de Sol e Lua (VB 24) sob a Reverência do vassalo (B
Segurando a campainha VB 39) oculta sob a Cauda do
pássaro selvagem (Ren 15 ) este anunciou a Plenitude do homem (E 20) que,
finalmente atingiu a Porta da alma corpórea (B 42) e da Alma etérea (B 47).
O Caminho da mente (Du 14) é longo e deve ser
percorrido sem Medo e pavor( VB 17), Nutrindo o Velho (ID 6) com a Fonte do
Paraíso (PC 2).
Cumpre-se assim, mais um ciclo de Abundância
Celestial((ID 17).
Vitor Buaiz (17/12/2004)
segunda-feira, 26 de setembro de 2011
quarta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2011
SISHENCONG-cuatro puntos alrededor VG 20 (1 CUN) INSERT INTO A VG20. Esta inquietud, insomnio y pérdida de memoria.
四神聰 VG20個點(1 CUN)一個 VG20。本不安,失眠和記憶力減退。
SISHENCONG-cuatro puntos alrededor VG 20 (1 CUN) INSERT INTO A VG20. Esta inquietud, insomnio y pérdida de memoria.
四神聰 VG20個點(1 CUN)一個 VG20。本不安,失眠和記憶力減退。
domingo, 11 de setembro de 2011
Veja este vídeo no YouTube:
Chize (Lu5) pode melhorar rigidez muscular.
Chizé (LU5) puede mejorar el tono muscular.
Chize (LU5) can improve muscle tone.
Chize(LU5) kěyǐ tígāo jīròu zhānglì.
Chize (Lu5) pode melhorar rigidez muscular.
Chizé (LU5) puede mejorar el tono muscular.
Chize (LU5) can improve muscle tone.
Chize(LU5) kěyǐ tígāo jīròu zhānglì.
sexta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2011
segunda-feira, 22 de agosto de 2011
quarta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2011
terça-feira, 16 de agosto de 2011
Fengshi(GB31) e Yinshi(ST33),
Pode remover fraqueza das pernas;
Fengshi (GB31) and Yinshi (ST33)
You can remove weakness of the legs;
Pode remover fraqueza das pernas;
Fengshi (GB31) and Yinshi (ST33)
You can remove weakness of the legs;
sexta-feira, 29 de abril de 2011
Anaflávia O Freire1,
Gisele C M Sugai2,
Sônia Maria Togeiro1,
Luiz Eugênio Mello3,
Sérgio Tufik1
Acupunct Med2010;28:115-119 doi:10.1136/aim.2009.001867
Background Most patients with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) do not tolerate treatment with nasal continuous positive airway pressure, the ‘gold standard’ treatment for this condition. It was shown in a pilot study that acupuncture was more effective than placebo treatment (sham acupuncture) in producing significant changes in the respiratory events assessed by polysomnography (PSG).
Objectives To investigate the immediate effect of manual acupuncture (MA) and electroacupuncture (EA) on the sleep pattern of patients presenting with moderate OSA.
Methods 40 patients with an Apnoea–Hypopnoea Index (AHI) of 15–30/h were randomly allocated to MA treatment (n=10), EA 10 Hz treatment (n=10), EA 2 Hz treatment (n=10) and a no-treatment control group (n=10). The patients received MA or EA (2 or 10 Hz) just before the PSG study at 20:00.
Results The AHI (p=0.005; p=0.005), the Apnoea Index (p=0.038; p=0.009) and the respiratory events (p=0.039; p=0.014) decreased significantly in the MA and EA 10 Hz groups, respectively (AHI (21.9, 11.2), Apnoea Index (5.15, 0.7), respiratory events (120.5, 61.0) in the MA group before and after. AHI (20.6, 9.9), Apnoea Index (8.2, 0.3), respiratory events (117.0, 56.0) in the EA 10 Hz group before and after). The micro-arousals decreased only in the MA group (146.0 vs 88.5, p=0.0002). There were no significant changes in the EA 2 Hz group or in the control group.
Conclusion A single session of either MA or EA 10 Hz had an acute effect in reducing the AHI as well as the number of nocturnal respiratory events of patients presenting with moderate OSA

Immediate effect of acupuncture on the sleep pattern of patients with obstructive sleep apnoea
Gisele C M Sugai2,
Sônia Maria Togeiro1,
Luiz Eugênio Mello3,
Sérgio Tufik1
Acupunct Med2010;28:115-119 doi:10.1136/aim.2009.001867
Background Most patients with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) do not tolerate treatment with nasal continuous positive airway pressure, the ‘gold standard’ treatment for this condition. It was shown in a pilot study that acupuncture was more effective than placebo treatment (sham acupuncture) in producing significant changes in the respiratory events assessed by polysomnography (PSG).
Objectives To investigate the immediate effect of manual acupuncture (MA) and electroacupuncture (EA) on the sleep pattern of patients presenting with moderate OSA.
Methods 40 patients with an Apnoea–Hypopnoea Index (AHI) of 15–30/h were randomly allocated to MA treatment (n=10), EA 10 Hz treatment (n=10), EA 2 Hz treatment (n=10) and a no-treatment control group (n=10). The patients received MA or EA (2 or 10 Hz) just before the PSG study at 20:00.
Results The AHI (p=0.005; p=0.005), the Apnoea Index (p=0.038; p=0.009) and the respiratory events (p=0.039; p=0.014) decreased significantly in the MA and EA 10 Hz groups, respectively (AHI (21.9, 11.2), Apnoea Index (5.15, 0.7), respiratory events (120.5, 61.0) in the MA group before and after. AHI (20.6, 9.9), Apnoea Index (8.2, 0.3), respiratory events (117.0, 56.0) in the EA 10 Hz group before and after). The micro-arousals decreased only in the MA group (146.0 vs 88.5, p=0.0002). There were no significant changes in the EA 2 Hz group or in the control group.
Conclusion A single session of either MA or EA 10 Hz had an acute effect in reducing the AHI as well as the number of nocturnal respiratory events of patients presenting with moderate OSA

Immediate effect of acupuncture on the sleep pattern of patients with obstructive sleep apnoea
quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2011
Acupunct Med2010;28:115-119 doi:10.1136/aim.2009.001867
Original papers
Immediate effect of acupuncture on the sleep pattern of patients with obstructive sleep apnoea
Anaflávia O Freire1,
Gisele C M Sugai2,
Sônia Maria Togeiro1,
Luiz Eugênio Mello3,
Sérgio Tufik1
The pathogenesis of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is complex but it is probably due to a combination of an anatomically small pharyngeal airway1 in conjunction with a sleep-related decline in upper airway dilator muscle activity.2 Control of upper airway muscle activity is complex. Factors that may affect upper airway muscle activity include direct input from the brainstem respiratory central pattern generator,3 chemoreceptive inputs,4 vagal input due to changes in lung volume5 and a tonic wakefulness drive that is present in the respiratory system.6 During wakefulness, patients with OSA have augmented activity of upper airway muscle such as the genioglossus muscle and tensor palatine.7 This increased activity is thought to represent a neuromuscular compensatory mechanism for an anatomically small and more collapsible pharyngeal airway. At sleep onset, this augmented upper airway dilator muscle activity is diminished or lost in association with pharyngeal collapse.8
We have recently demonstrated that acupuncture is more effective than placebo treatment (sham acupuncture)—providing significant changes in the respiratory events assessed by polysomnography, and improving the quality of life of patients with OSA.9 Manual acupuncture (MA) has been practised for thousands of years in China for the treatment of various diseases.10 Only in the past century has its potent alternative, electroacupuncture (EA), been used with increasing frequency in clinical and basic research,11 and several studies suggest that the results of EA and MA differ.12 EA causes the release of β-endorphin and adrenocorticotrophic hormone into plasma, whereas MA releases only β-endorphin.13 In addition to possible differences between EA and MA, a number of studies have suggested that EA at different frequencies causes different types of responses.13 14 Further evaluation showed that low-frequency (2 Hz) EA activated many more somatic afferents than high-frequency stimulation such as 10 and 20 Hz.15 These findings suggest that the central nervous system might have a frequency-specific response to peripheral electric stimulation.16
Between January 2007 and August 2008, we screened individuals for inclusion in this research. Eligible patients had a significant symptomatic OSA confirmed by a full polysomnographic (PSG) study with an AHI >15/h and <30/h (moderate OSA), were aged 30–70 years and were all acupuncture naïve. Patients with a high alcohol intake (>80 g/day), morbid obesity, significant lung disease, neurological disease, intellectual deficit, problems in the skeletal facial framework, central apnoea, insomnia, who had already undergone oropharyngeal operations, who had been treated with continuous positive airway pressure or oral devices and were taking any hypnotic drugs were excluded.
Material and methods
Trial design and participants
Between January 2007 and August 2008, we screened individuals for inclusion in this research. Eligible patients had a significant symptomatic OSA confirmed by a full polysomnographic (PSG) study with an AHI >15/h and <30/h (moderate OSA), were aged 30–70 years and were all acupuncture naïve. Patients with a high alcohol intake (>80 g/day), morbid obesity, significant lung disease, neurological disease, intellectual deficit, problems in the skeletal facial framework, central apnoea, insomnia, who had already undergone oropharyngeal operations, who had been treated with continuous positive airway pressure or oral devices and were taking any hypnotic drugs were excluded
A total of 40 patients were eligible for the study and were submitted to a new PSG at the start of the study. They were randomly allocated by a blinded independent researcher to the following four groups: MA group, EA 10 Hz group, EA 2 Hz group and control group (n=10 each group). After randomisation, study procedures remained blind except for the researcher who applied MA/EA. All patients signed an informed consent form after receiving details of the possible risks ,The ethical committee of the Universidade Federal de São Paulo approved the study protocol (number 0503/06). The study was conducted according to a strict protocol.
Needle type: MA and EA
We used single-use, sterile, cooper-handle, prepacked needles with guide tubes, 40×0.25 mm (Dongbang Acupunture; Boryeong City, South Korea). Before insertion of the needles all the points were sterilised with ethanol. The location and depth of insertions were as described in traditional texts.17 The points used were as follows: LU6, LU7, LI4, LI20, GV20, CV23, ST36, ST40, SP6, KI6. An extra point is located between the hyoid bone and the menton symphysis (Shanglianquan).
For EA the electrodes were placed in the points of the neck (deep enough to reach the genioglossus muscle —CV23 and Shanglianquan) (figure 1) and also along the body in LI4 and ST36. The electrodes were connected to LI4 and ST36 at both sides. The EA stimulation, consisting of 0.45 ms2 wave pulses at 2 or 10 Hz, was delivered by a constant current EA machine (Plexus AP 585 electrostimulator; Accurate Pulse/Biotherapy, Lautz, Brazil) to produce a moderate muscle twitch. The intensity of stimulation was typically 0.6–0.8 mA.
The choice of acupoints was based on their specific characteristics, as already described.9 In the MA group the needles were inserted and manually stimulated until the deqi sensation of heaviness and numbness was elicited.18 All acupuncture procedures were done by an experienced doctor, specialist in acupuncture, according to traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture methods.18 Body needles were left in situ for 30 min in the ventral part of the body. Immediately after the acupuncture or electroacupuncture stimulation the subjects were prepared for the PSG recordings.
Sleep recordings were scored according to the criteria of Rechtshaffen and Kales19 and respiratory events were considered according to the criteria published by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine in 1999.20 Two blinded experienced doctors assessed all the results.
Statistical analysis
Baseline characteristics of the patients were recorded as the median and compared between groups by the Kruskal–Wallis test. The results among groups were compared before and after the procedures by the Kruskal–Wallis test. The differences between the groups before and after the procedures were compared using a Mann–Whitney test.21 The level of statistical significance was set at 0.05. All data were computer-analysed using Statview software.Comparison of the results between the groups after treatment showed that the MA group and the EA 10 Hz group significantly differed from both the EA 2 Hz and control groups in all the respiratory parameters, specifically in the primary outcome the AHI (figure 2). Those differences were supported by significant changes in other outcomes. The EA 10 Hz group differed from the control group and EA 2 Hz in the respiratory events (p=0.006; p=0.025, respectively). The MA was significant different only from the control group
The results of our study demonstrate that median frequency EA 10 Hz and MA exerts better immediate effects than low frequency EA 2 Hz in reducing the AHI as well as the number of nocturnal respiratory events of patients presenting with moderate OSA. In a previous study our group showed that MA was effective in providing significant changes in polysomnographic evaluations as well as in the quality of life of patients with OSA after 10 weekly sessions of acupuncture.9 The speculative hypothesis for this improvement was the involvement of serotonergic pathways22 23 in the responses mediated by acupuncture as well as its anti-inflammatory effect.24
p=0.015). Nevertheless, in the Hypopnoea Index the MA differed from the control group and EA 2 Hz (p=0.010; p=0.034, respectively) and the EA 10 Hz group only differed from the control group (p=0.019). No adverse events occurred during the trial.
Original papers
Immediate effect of acupuncture on the sleep pattern of patients with obstructive sleep apnoea
Anaflávia O Freire1,
Gisele C M Sugai2,
Sônia Maria Togeiro1,
Luiz Eugênio Mello3,
Sérgio Tufik1
The pathogenesis of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is complex but it is probably due to a combination of an anatomically small pharyngeal airway1 in conjunction with a sleep-related decline in upper airway dilator muscle activity.2 Control of upper airway muscle activity is complex. Factors that may affect upper airway muscle activity include direct input from the brainstem respiratory central pattern generator,3 chemoreceptive inputs,4 vagal input due to changes in lung volume5 and a tonic wakefulness drive that is present in the respiratory system.6 During wakefulness, patients with OSA have augmented activity of upper airway muscle such as the genioglossus muscle and tensor palatine.7 This increased activity is thought to represent a neuromuscular compensatory mechanism for an anatomically small and more collapsible pharyngeal airway. At sleep onset, this augmented upper airway dilator muscle activity is diminished or lost in association with pharyngeal collapse.8
We have recently demonstrated that acupuncture is more effective than placebo treatment (sham acupuncture)—providing significant changes in the respiratory events assessed by polysomnography, and improving the quality of life of patients with OSA.9 Manual acupuncture (MA) has been practised for thousands of years in China for the treatment of various diseases.10 Only in the past century has its potent alternative, electroacupuncture (EA), been used with increasing frequency in clinical and basic research,11 and several studies suggest that the results of EA and MA differ.12 EA causes the release of β-endorphin and adrenocorticotrophic hormone into plasma, whereas MA releases only β-endorphin.13 In addition to possible differences between EA and MA, a number of studies have suggested that EA at different frequencies causes different types of responses.13 14 Further evaluation showed that low-frequency (2 Hz) EA activated many more somatic afferents than high-frequency stimulation such as 10 and 20 Hz.15 These findings suggest that the central nervous system might have a frequency-specific response to peripheral electric stimulation.16
Between January 2007 and August 2008, we screened individuals for inclusion in this research. Eligible patients had a significant symptomatic OSA confirmed by a full polysomnographic (PSG) study with an AHI >15/h and <30/h (moderate OSA), were aged 30–70 years and were all acupuncture naïve. Patients with a high alcohol intake (>80 g/day), morbid obesity, significant lung disease, neurological disease, intellectual deficit, problems in the skeletal facial framework, central apnoea, insomnia, who had already undergone oropharyngeal operations, who had been treated with continuous positive airway pressure or oral devices and were taking any hypnotic drugs were excluded.
Material and methods
Trial design and participants
Between January 2007 and August 2008, we screened individuals for inclusion in this research. Eligible patients had a significant symptomatic OSA confirmed by a full polysomnographic (PSG) study with an AHI >15/h and <30/h (moderate OSA), were aged 30–70 years and were all acupuncture naïve. Patients with a high alcohol intake (>80 g/day), morbid obesity, significant lung disease, neurological disease, intellectual deficit, problems in the skeletal facial framework, central apnoea, insomnia, who had already undergone oropharyngeal operations, who had been treated with continuous positive airway pressure or oral devices and were taking any hypnotic drugs were excluded
A total of 40 patients were eligible for the study and were submitted to a new PSG at the start of the study. They were randomly allocated by a blinded independent researcher to the following four groups: MA group, EA 10 Hz group, EA 2 Hz group and control group (n=10 each group). After randomisation, study procedures remained blind except for the researcher who applied MA/EA. All patients signed an informed consent form after receiving details of the possible risks ,The ethical committee of the Universidade Federal de São Paulo approved the study protocol (number 0503/06). The study was conducted according to a strict protocol.
Needle type: MA and EA
We used single-use, sterile, cooper-handle, prepacked needles with guide tubes, 40×0.25 mm (Dongbang Acupunture; Boryeong City, South Korea). Before insertion of the needles all the points were sterilised with ethanol. The location and depth of insertions were as described in traditional texts.17 The points used were as follows: LU6, LU7, LI4, LI20, GV20, CV23, ST36, ST40, SP6, KI6. An extra point is located between the hyoid bone and the menton symphysis (Shanglianquan).
For EA the electrodes were placed in the points of the neck (deep enough to reach the genioglossus muscle —CV23 and Shanglianquan) (figure 1) and also along the body in LI4 and ST36. The electrodes were connected to LI4 and ST36 at both sides. The EA stimulation, consisting of 0.45 ms2 wave pulses at 2 or 10 Hz, was delivered by a constant current EA machine (Plexus AP 585 electrostimulator; Accurate Pulse/Biotherapy, Lautz, Brazil) to produce a moderate muscle twitch. The intensity of stimulation was typically 0.6–0.8 mA.
The choice of acupoints was based on their specific characteristics, as already described.9 In the MA group the needles were inserted and manually stimulated until the deqi sensation of heaviness and numbness was elicited.18 All acupuncture procedures were done by an experienced doctor, specialist in acupuncture, according to traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture methods.18 Body needles were left in situ for 30 min in the ventral part of the body. Immediately after the acupuncture or electroacupuncture stimulation the subjects were prepared for the PSG recordings.
Sleep recordings were scored according to the criteria of Rechtshaffen and Kales19 and respiratory events were considered according to the criteria published by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine in 1999.20 Two blinded experienced doctors assessed all the results.
Statistical analysis
Baseline characteristics of the patients were recorded as the median and compared between groups by the Kruskal–Wallis test. The results among groups were compared before and after the procedures by the Kruskal–Wallis test. The differences between the groups before and after the procedures were compared using a Mann–Whitney test.21 The level of statistical significance was set at 0.05. All data were computer-analysed using Statview software.Comparison of the results between the groups after treatment showed that the MA group and the EA 10 Hz group significantly differed from both the EA 2 Hz and control groups in all the respiratory parameters, specifically in the primary outcome the AHI (figure 2). Those differences were supported by significant changes in other outcomes. The EA 10 Hz group differed from the control group and EA 2 Hz in the respiratory events (p=0.006; p=0.025, respectively). The MA was significant different only from the control group
The results of our study demonstrate that median frequency EA 10 Hz and MA exerts better immediate effects than low frequency EA 2 Hz in reducing the AHI as well as the number of nocturnal respiratory events of patients presenting with moderate OSA. In a previous study our group showed that MA was effective in providing significant changes in polysomnographic evaluations as well as in the quality of life of patients with OSA after 10 weekly sessions of acupuncture.9 The speculative hypothesis for this improvement was the involvement of serotonergic pathways22 23 in the responses mediated by acupuncture as well as its anti-inflammatory effect.24
p=0.015). Nevertheless, in the Hypopnoea Index the MA differed from the control group and EA 2 Hz (p=0.010; p=0.034, respectively) and the EA 10 Hz group only differed from the control group (p=0.019). No adverse events occurred during the trial.
terça-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2011
Tratamento de AVC
Ela faz escalpe acupuntura contra lateral a lesão, usa perifericamente somente os pontos do lado da hemiplegia, e faz eletroacupuntura nos pontos de escalpe.Interessante!
domingo, 13 de fevereiro de 2011
Não encontrei explicação a respeito dessas técnicas, mas achei interessante mostrar para conhecimento dos nossos acupunturistas.
segunda-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2011
domingo, 6 de fevereiro de 2011
quinta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2011
terça-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2011
segunda-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2011
Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy
Jennifer R. Niebyl, M.D.
N Engl J Med 2010; 363:1544-1550October 14, 2010
Terapias Complementares
Terapias alternativas como acupuntura e gengibre também têm sido estudados para náuseas e vômitos durante a gravidez, com resultados inconsistentes. Em um ensaio randomizado envolvendo 33 pacientes com quadro de hiperemese gravídica, a acupuntura reduz sintomas, em comparação com acupuntura sham, enquanto que um estudo comparando acupuntura tradicional versus sham em 55 pacientes com hiperemese gravídica não apresentaram diferenças nos resultados entre o estudo de dois groups.
Ensaios clínicos randomizados de acupressão no ponto P6 Neiguan , apresentaram resultados inconsistentes e foram limitados pela falta de testes cegos.Um estudo maior, nenhum efeito benéfico da acupuntura foi anotada. Em um estudo randomizado , com uma emissão de corrente elétrica para estimular o ponto de acupuntura P6, pacientes que foram aleatoriamente designados para o dispositivo ativo, em comparação com aquelas atribuídas a um dispositivo de simulação, relataram ter significantemente menos náuseas e vômitos e foram mais propensos ao ganho de peso (77% vs 54%, com um ganho de peso médio de £ 5,5 x £ 2,9 [2,5 kg vs 1,3 kg]), no entanto, este estudo também foi limitado pela falta de avaliação cega dos resultados.
Em quatro ensaios clínicos randomizados com um total de 675 participantes, o gengibre em cápsulas (sem sabor) foi superior ao placebo , e em dois ensaios, a eficácia do gengibre foi semelhante à da vitamina B6, efeitos adversos de gengibre (refluxo e azia) não foram graves. Em um estudo de coorte observacional envolvendo 187 pacientes, o gengibre, quando comparado com outros agentes não teratogenicos, não foi associado a efeitos colaterais clinicamente significativo . Gengibre é considerado um complemento alimentar e, portanto, não é regulamentado pelo FDA.
Jennifer R. Niebyl, M.D.
N Engl J Med 2010; 363:1544-1550October 14, 2010
Terapias Complementares
Terapias alternativas como acupuntura e gengibre também têm sido estudados para náuseas e vômitos durante a gravidez, com resultados inconsistentes. Em um ensaio randomizado envolvendo 33 pacientes com quadro de hiperemese gravídica, a acupuntura reduz sintomas, em comparação com acupuntura sham, enquanto que um estudo comparando acupuntura tradicional versus sham em 55 pacientes com hiperemese gravídica não apresentaram diferenças nos resultados entre o estudo de dois groups.
Ensaios clínicos randomizados de acupressão no ponto P6 Neiguan , apresentaram resultados inconsistentes e foram limitados pela falta de testes cegos.Um estudo maior, nenhum efeito benéfico da acupuntura foi anotada. Em um estudo randomizado , com uma emissão de corrente elétrica para estimular o ponto de acupuntura P6, pacientes que foram aleatoriamente designados para o dispositivo ativo, em comparação com aquelas atribuídas a um dispositivo de simulação, relataram ter significantemente menos náuseas e vômitos e foram mais propensos ao ganho de peso (77% vs 54%, com um ganho de peso médio de £ 5,5 x £ 2,9 [2,5 kg vs 1,3 kg]), no entanto, este estudo também foi limitado pela falta de avaliação cega dos resultados.
Em quatro ensaios clínicos randomizados com um total de 675 participantes, o gengibre em cápsulas (sem sabor) foi superior ao placebo , e em dois ensaios, a eficácia do gengibre foi semelhante à da vitamina B6, efeitos adversos de gengibre (refluxo e azia) não foram graves. Em um estudo de coorte observacional envolvendo 187 pacientes, o gengibre, quando comparado com outros agentes não teratogenicos, não foi associado a efeitos colaterais clinicamente significativo . Gengibre é considerado um complemento alimentar e, portanto, não é regulamentado pelo FDA.
quinta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2011
DU14, DU23, IG20,IG4,P11 POR 20 A 30 MINUTOS
DU14, DU23, IG20,IG4,P11 POR 20 A 30 MINUTOS
Texto original:BMJ 2001; 323 : 486 doi: 10.1136/bmj.323.7311.486 (Publicado em 01 de setembro de 2001)
The York acupuncture safety study: prospective survey of 34 000 treatments by traditional acupuncturist
Hugh MacPherson , diretor de pesquisa ( ) um ,Kate Thomas , vice-diretor b ,Stephen Walters , professor de estatística médica c ,Mike Fitter , consultor de pesquisa um
Nosso objetivo, portanto, foi descrever o tipo ea freqüência de eventos adversos após acupuntura. Um segundo objetivo foi analisar as reações leves transitórias associada com a acupuntura.
O estudo envolveu um período de quatro semanas em 2000. Todos 1848 acupunturistas profissionais que eram membros do British Acupuncture Council e estavam praticando no Reino Unido foram convidados a registrar os detalhes de eventos adversos leves e transitórios reacções após o tratamento. Um total de 574 profissionais participaram, 31% da população total.
Não houve relatos de eventos adversos sérios, definidos como eventos que necessitam de internação hospitalar, levando a incapacidade permanente, ou resulta em morte (95% intervalo de confiança 0-1,1 por 10 000 tratamentos). Relatados 43 menores efeitos adversos, uma taxa de 1,3 (0,9-1,7) por 1000 tratamentos. Os eventos mais freqüentes foram náuseas e desmaios . Três eventos evitáveis e dois pacientes tiveram agulhas esquecidas, e um paciente teve queimaduras na pele moxabustão foram causados por erros profissionais.
Foram registradas 10920 leves reações transitórias ,ocorrendo em 5136 sessões, 15% (14,6% para 15,3%) do total de 34 407. Algumas reacções no local de inserção foram relatados em 587 (1,7%) casos, a dor em 422 (1,2%) casos e sangramento em 126 (0,4%) casos. Os pacientes experimentaram um agravamento dos sintomas já existentes, em 966 (2,8%) das sessões, 830 (86%) dos quais foram acompanhados por uma melhoria, possivelmente indicando um positivo "crise de cura." O mais comuns relatos foram leves reações transitórias "sensação de relaxamento" em 4.098 (11,9%) casos e "sentir-se energizado" em 2267 (6,6%) casos, o sintoma que muitas vezes indicam uma resposta encorajadora para o tratamento.
Neste estudo prospectivo, não houve eventos adversos graves , relatados após 34 407 tratamentos de acupuntura. Isto é consistente, com 95% de confiança, com uma taxa de eventos adversos graves subjacentes entre 0 e 1,1 por 10 000 tratamentos. Esta conclusão foi baseada em dados coletados ao longo de um período de quatro semanas por um em cada três dos membros do British Acupuncture Council. Mesmo tendo em conta o potencial viés de auto-relato, isto é uma prova importante para a saúde pública e segurança como acupunturistas profissionais oferecem cerca de dois milhões de tratamentos por ano no Reino Unido. Comparação da taxa de eventos adversos de acupuntura com os dos medicamentos prescritos rotineiramente nos cuidados primários sugere que a acupuntura é uma forma relativamente segura de tratamento.
The York acupuncture safety study: prospective survey of 34 000 treatments by traditional acupuncturist
Hugh MacPherson , diretor de pesquisa ( ) um ,Kate Thomas , vice-diretor b ,Stephen Walters , professor de estatística médica c ,Mike Fitter , consultor de pesquisa um
Nosso objetivo, portanto, foi descrever o tipo ea freqüência de eventos adversos após acupuntura. Um segundo objetivo foi analisar as reações leves transitórias associada com a acupuntura.
O estudo envolveu um período de quatro semanas em 2000. Todos 1848 acupunturistas profissionais que eram membros do British Acupuncture Council e estavam praticando no Reino Unido foram convidados a registrar os detalhes de eventos adversos leves e transitórios reacções após o tratamento. Um total de 574 profissionais participaram, 31% da população total.
Não houve relatos de eventos adversos sérios, definidos como eventos que necessitam de internação hospitalar, levando a incapacidade permanente, ou resulta em morte (95% intervalo de confiança 0-1,1 por 10 000 tratamentos). Relatados 43 menores efeitos adversos, uma taxa de 1,3 (0,9-1,7) por 1000 tratamentos. Os eventos mais freqüentes foram náuseas e desmaios . Três eventos evitáveis e dois pacientes tiveram agulhas esquecidas, e um paciente teve queimaduras na pele moxabustão foram causados por erros profissionais.
Foram registradas 10920 leves reações transitórias ,ocorrendo em 5136 sessões, 15% (14,6% para 15,3%) do total de 34 407. Algumas reacções no local de inserção foram relatados em 587 (1,7%) casos, a dor em 422 (1,2%) casos e sangramento em 126 (0,4%) casos. Os pacientes experimentaram um agravamento dos sintomas já existentes, em 966 (2,8%) das sessões, 830 (86%) dos quais foram acompanhados por uma melhoria, possivelmente indicando um positivo "crise de cura." O mais comuns relatos foram leves reações transitórias "sensação de relaxamento" em 4.098 (11,9%) casos e "sentir-se energizado" em 2267 (6,6%) casos, o sintoma que muitas vezes indicam uma resposta encorajadora para o tratamento.
Neste estudo prospectivo, não houve eventos adversos graves , relatados após 34 407 tratamentos de acupuntura. Isto é consistente, com 95% de confiança, com uma taxa de eventos adversos graves subjacentes entre 0 e 1,1 por 10 000 tratamentos. Esta conclusão foi baseada em dados coletados ao longo de um período de quatro semanas por um em cada três dos membros do British Acupuncture Council. Mesmo tendo em conta o potencial viés de auto-relato, isto é uma prova importante para a saúde pública e segurança como acupunturistas profissionais oferecem cerca de dois milhões de tratamentos por ano no Reino Unido. Comparação da taxa de eventos adversos de acupuntura com os dos medicamentos prescritos rotineiramente nos cuidados primários sugere que a acupuntura é uma forma relativamente segura de tratamento.
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